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Chord Voicings

Sekian Artikel saya tentang Kumpulan Kunci Gitar lengkap, semoga artikel ini dapat membantu dan Bermanfaat, jika ada hal yang ingin ditanyakan tentang Kumpulan Kunci Gitar Lengkap, ini silahkan berkomentar dikolom komentar yang sudah disediakan, dan jika ingin merequest Tutorial lain selain Kumpulan Gambar Kunci Gitar lengkap,silahkan Request dikolom yang telah disedikan. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran, piano klasik, tingkat dasar. Latar belakang penelitian pembelajaran piano klasik untuk siswa tingkat dasar dengan menggunakan metode solfegio yang telah diterapkan di Maestro Music School Semarang, mampu membentuk kualitas musikal siswa yang baik dan menunjukkan prestasi membanggakan.

In a previous module we learned about the theoretical aspects of Jazz Chords. In this series of lessons we will be discussing how chords are actually played in practice. This is a very important part of playing Jazz piano. A chord voicing is just a way of altering the order of and intervals between the notes in a chord. So instead of playing CMaj7 as a block chord (C E G B) we could reorder the notes and play C B E G. Playing appropriate chord voicings can make a song sound very jazzy and very professional.

Omitting Notes

In previous lessons (specifically the one on Shell Chords) we established that in Jazz we don’t need to play every single note in a chord. Specifically, it’s possible to omit the less important notes (root & 5th). Well, using this same idea, we can create rootless voicings.

Rootless Chord Voicings

A smooth and popular type of chord voicing are called (Bill Evans style) Rootless Chord Voicings. As the name suggests, these chord voicings exclude the root note. Instead of the root (and sometimes the 5th) we play chord tensions. This gives us a jazzy sound (because of the tensions) while not being too crowded (you only ever play 4 notes because we drop the root).

Even though we are allowed to omit the root note in a chord, if you’re playing in a band often the bass player will play the root note. Otherwise, there’s nothing wrong with just leaving it out. The root note isn’t really all that important, harmonically speaking.

In short, Rootless Chord Voicings are played as follows:

  • For Major and minor chords play: 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th
  • For V7 chords play: 3rd, 7th, 9th, 13th

There are also two ‘types’ of rootless chord voicings. One is just an inversion of the other (if one has the 3rd on the bottom, the other has the 7th on the bottom). These voicing works really well for II-V-I progressions, because you only need to change a few notes (and by only a small interval) to move from one chord to the next (i.e. there is smooth voice leading). Below is an example of a II-V-I in the key of C using rootless chord voicings. Notice how smoothly each chord transitions to the next.

Type A Rootless Voicings
Chord7th Chord in CRootless ChordNotesDegreesNote on Bottom
iiDm7Dm9F A C E3 5 7 93rd
VG7G13F A B E7 9 3 137th
ICMaj7CMaj9E G B D3 5 7 93rd
Type B Rootless Voicings
Chord7th Chord in CRootless ChordNotesDegreesNote on Bottom
iiDm7Dm9C E F A7 9 3 57th
VG7G13B E F A3 13 7 93rd
ICMaj7C69A D E G6 9 3 57th

Chord Ambiguity

Notice also, that because we are omitting certain notes, chords become a little ambiguous.

  • Rootless Dm9 (F A C E) = FMaj7 = Am♭6
  • Rootless G13 (F A B E) = Rootless Dm69 = Rootless D♭7#9♭13
  • Rootless CMaj7 (E G B D) = Em7 = G6

Notice how all the above chords are substitutes for each other (generally Median Note or Tritone substitutes). This is part of the charm of rootless voicings. There are a little ambiguous.

Altered Rootless Voicings

As we learned in the lesson on Available Tensions, we can alter the chord tensions (♭9, #11, ♭13, etc.). We can apply this idea to Rootless Chord Voicings. We must keep the 3rd and 7th the same, but we are free to alter the other two notes.

So you can create chords like a:

  • CMaj7#11 (by substituting the 5th for a #11th);
  • C69 (by substituting the 7th for a 6th);
  • Dm69 (by substituting the 7th for a 6th);
  • Dm7♭5 (by flattening the 5th).

Left Handed Voicing & Rule of Thumb

Rootless voicings are played entirely with the left hand. This means your right hand is free to play the melody or improvise. In future lessons we will also discuss numerous two handed chord voicings.

Because you are playing 4 notes all within the span of a single octave, these voicings can be a little bit muddy if played too low. As such, try adhere to the ‘rule of thumb’: the top note of a rootless chord voicing (played with your thumb) should be between middle C and the C an octave above middle C on the piano. That is, try stick to the middle register with this chord voicing.

Jazz Piano History

Rootless chord voicings were developed in the 1950’s by pianists like Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly and Ahmad Jamal. Prior to this, Jazz pianists tended to use Shell Chords (like the Bud Powell Voicing we will learn in a future lesson) or Stride Piano.

Have a Listen to

  • My Foolish Heart ~ Bill Evans version
  • Autumn Leaves ~ Bill Evans version
  • Any and Every Bill Evans song

Welcome to our Free Piano Chords section where you learn how to build all kinds of chords in all keys. We shall start with major chords, then move to minor, diminished, augmented, dominant seventh, minor seventh, major seventh, minor sixth, major sixth chords and so on.

Later on we move to more advanced ninth, eleventh and thirteenth chords.

Before forming chords you need to know your major scales. Learn how to form a major scale here. Be sure to check out our free piano lessons and piano keys layout as well, if you’re new to the piano or keyboard.

Major Piano Chords

How do you form a major chord on piano? A major chord is perhaps the simplest chord. It consists of three notes, the root, 3rd and 5th. Its symbol is “Maj”. For instance C major can be written “C Maj”.

Let’s take a look at all 12 major chords and the notes which form them.

  • C major – C E G
  • C sharp major – C♯ E♯ G♯
  • D major – D F♯ A
  • E flat major – E♭ G B♭
  • E major – E G♯ B
  • F major – F A C
  • F sharp major – F♯ A♯ C♯
  • G major – G B D
  • A flat major – A♭ C E♭
  • A major – A C♯ E
  • Bb major – B♭ D F
  • B major – B D♯ F♯

My newly released course will help you with your chords. Go here: Piano Chords: How To Form Basic Chords On Piano And Keyboard

Minor Piano Chords

Next in our free piano chords section we take a look at minor chords.

A minor chord is formed by playing the root, flat 3rd and 5th of the scale. Its symbol is mi, -, or m. For instance, A minor can be written as Ami, A-, or Am. Am seems to be more common.

Let’s take a look at all 12 minor chords and the notes which form them.

  • C minor – C E♭ G
  • C sharp minor – C♯ E G♯
  • D minor – D F A
  • E flat minor – E♭ G♭ B♭
  • E minor – E G B
  • F minor – F A♭ C
  • F sharp minor – F♯ A C♯
  • G minor – G B♭ D
  • A flat minor – A♭ C♭(B) E♭
  • A minor – A C E
  • B flat minor – B♭ D♭ F
  • B minor – B D F♯

Major and minor chords are called triads. They are three note chords consisting of the root, the third and the fifth of the scale. In the case of a minor triad, a flat third is played.

Next in our free piano chords lesson, we take a look at diminished chords and the notes which form them.

Diminished Piano Chords

Diminished chords are triads as well, and consist of three notes, the root, flat third, and flat fifth of the scale. (root, ♭3rd, ♭5th) A diminished chord is represented by the symbols dim or °. For instance B diminished can be written as Bdim or B°.

Let’s take a look at 12 diminished triad chords and the notes which form them.

  • C diminished – C E♭ G♭
  • C♯ diminished – C♯ E G
  • D diminished – D F A♭
  • E♭ diminished – E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A)
  • E diminished – E G B♭
  • F diminished – F A♭ C♭(B)
  • F♯ diminished – F♯ A C
  • G diminished – G B♭ D♭
  • A♭ diminished – A♭ C♭ E♭♭(D)
  • A diminished – A C E♭
  • B♭ diminished – B♭ D♭ F♭(E)
  • B diminished – B D F

In most sheet music books, C dim or C° denotes a diminished 7th chord. This chord consists of four notes, the root, flat third, flat fifth and double flat seventh of the scale. (root, ♭3rd, ♭5th, ♭♭7th) For instance, the notes of a Cdim7 or C°7 chord are C E♭ G♭ A. Here are all 12 diminished seventh chords.

  • C diminished seventh – C E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A)
  • C♯ diminished seventh – C♯ E G B♭
  • D diminished seventh – D F A♭ C♭(B)
  • E♭ diminished seventh – E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A) D♭♭ C
  • E diminished seventh – E G B♭ D♭
  • F diminished seventh – F A♭ C♭(B) E♭♭(D)
  • F♯ diminished seventh – F♯ A C E♭
  • G diminished seventh – G B♭ D♭ F♭(E)
  • A♭ diminished seventh – A♭ C♭ E♭♭(D) G♭♭(F)
  • A diminished seventh – A C E♭ G♭
  • B♭ diminished seventh – B♭ D♭ F♭(E) A♭♭(G)
  • B diminished seventh – B D F A♭

Augmented Piano Chords

Let’s continue our free piano chords lesson. Download anime mar sub indo 240p. It’s now time to take a look at all 12 augmented chords and their notes.

An augmented chord is also a triad. It is a three note chord consisting of the root, third and sharp fifth of the scale. (root, 3rd, ♯5th) The symbol for an augmented chord is + or aug. For instance C augmented can be written as C+ or Caug.

  • C augmented – C E G♯
  • C♯ augmented – C♯ E♯(F) G♯♯(A)
  • D augmented – D F♯ A♯
  • E♭ augmented – E♭ G B
  • E augmented – E G♯ B♯(C)
  • F augmented – F A C♯
  • F♯ augmented – F♯ A♯ C♯♯(D)
  • G augmented – G B D♯
  • A♭ augmented – A♭ C E
  • A augmented – A C♯ E♯(F)
  • B♭ augmented – B♭ D F♯
  • B augmented – B D♯ F♯♯(G)

Looking for a piano chord chart with pictures of the piano keyboard? Check out our Free Piano Chords Chart pages.

Dominant Seventh Piano Chords

Next in our free piano chords lesson, let’s learn about the dominant seventh chord. This chord type consists of four notes. These notes are the root, 3rd, 5th and ♭7th of the scale. Its symbol is dom. 7 or 7. So C dominant seventh would be written as C dom.7 or C7.

Here are the 12 dominant 7th chords and the notes which form them.

  • C dominant seventh – C E G B♭
  • C♯ dominant seventh – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B
  • D dominant seventh – D F♯ A C
  • E♭ dominant seventh – E♭ G B♭ D♭
  • E dominant seventh – E G♯ B D
  • F dominant seventh – F A C E♭
  • F♯ dominant seventh – F♯ A♯ C♯ E
  • G dominant seventh – G B D F
  • A♭ dominant seventh – A♭ C E♭ G♭
  • A dominant seventh – A C♯ E G
  • B♭ dominant seventh – B♭ D F A♭
  • B dominant seventh – B D♯ F♯ A

Minor Seventh Piano Chords

A minor seventh chord is really a minor chord with an added ♭7th note. It consists of four notes, the root, ♭3rd, 5th and ♭7th of the scale. Its symbols are -7 or min7. So D minor seventh would be written as D-7 or Dmin7.

Here are all twelve minor seventh chords and the notes which form them.

  • C minor seventh – C E♭ G B♭
  • C♯ minor seventh – C♯ E G♯ B
  • D minor seventh – D F A C
  • E♭ minor seventh – E♭ G♭ B♭ D♭
  • E minor seventh – E G B D
  • F minor seventh – F A♭ C E♭
  • F♯ minor seventh – F♯ A C♯ E
  • G minor seventh – G B♭ D F
  • A♭ minor seventh – A♭ C♭(B) E♭ G♭
  • A minor seventh – A C E G
  • B♭ minor seventh – B♭ D♭ F A♭
  • B minor seventh – B D F♯ A

Major Seventh Piano Chords

As we continue our free piano chords lesson, we take a look at major seventh chords. A major seventh chord consists of four notes. It is really a major chord with an added 7th note. The scale degrees used to form a major seventh chord is the root, 3rd, 5th and maj. 7th of the scale. The symbols used for this type of chord are M7 or maj 7. For instance G major seventh could be written GM7 of Gma7.

Here are all 12 major seventh chords and their notes.

  • C major seventh – C E G B
  • C♯ major seventh – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B♯(C)
  • D major seventh – D F♯ A C♯
  • E♭ major seventh – E♭ G B♭ D
  • E major seventh – E G♯ B D♯
  • F major seventh – F A C E
  • F♯ major seventh – F♯ A♯ C♯ E♯(F)
  • G major seventh – G B D F♯
  • A♭ major seventh – A♭ C E♭ G
  • A major seventh – A C♯ E G♯
  • B♭ major seventh – B♭ D F A
  • B major seventh – B D♯ F♯ A♯

The piano chords presented above are some of the more common ones. We shall take things a little further and look at major sixth, minor sixth, seventh ♯5th, seventh ♭5th, major 7th ♭3rd, minor 7th ♭5th and seventh suspended 4th piano chords.

My newly released course will help you with your chords. Go here: Piano Chords: How To Form Basic Chords On Piano And Keyboard

Major Sixth Chords

A major sixth chord has four notes, the root, 3rd, 5th and 6th of the scale. Its symbol is M6 or 6. For instance C major sixth is written CM6 or C6.

Here are all 12 major sixth chords.

  • C major sixth – C E G A
  • C♯ major sixth – C♯ E♯ G♯ A♯
  • D major sixth – D F♯ A B
  • E♭ major sixth – E♭ G B♭ C
  • E major sixth – E G♯ B C♯
  • F major sixth – F A C D
  • F♯ major sixth – F♯ A♯ C♯ D♯
  • G major sixth – G B D E
  • A♭ major sixth – A♭ C E♭ F
  • A major sixth – A C♯ E F♯
  • B♭ major sixth – B♭ D F G
  • B major sixth – B D♯ F♯ G♯

Minor Sixth Chords

To continue our free piano chords lesson, we now take a look at minor sixth chords. To form a minor sixth chord, use the root, ♭3rd, 5th and 6th degrees of the scale. A minor 6th chord is represented by the symbol mi 6 or -6. For instance D minor sixth is written Dmi 6 or D -6. Let’s take a look at all 12 minor 6th chords and the notes which form them.

  • C minor sixth – C E♭ G A
  • C♯ minor sixth – C♯ E G♯ A♯
  • D minor sixth – D F A B
  • E♭ minor sixth – E♭ G♭ B♭ C
  • E minor sixth – E G B C♯
  • F minor sixth – F A♭ C D
  • F♯ minor sixth – F♯ A C♯ D♯
  • G minor sixth – G B♭ D E
  • A♭ minor sixth – A♭ C♭ E♭ F
  • A minor sixth – A C E F♯
  • B♭ minor sixth – B♭ D♭ F G
  • B minor sixth – B D F♯ G♯

Seventh Sharp Fifth Piano Chords – (7th ♯5th chords, Augmented 7th chords)

Detective byomkesh bakshy 480p khatrimaza. Our free piano chords lesson now takes us to 7th sharp 5th chords. These chords are represented by the symbols 7+5 or 7♯5. For instance a C 7th sharp fifth would be written C7+5 or C7♯5. To form a seventh ♯5th chord, use the root, 3rd, ♯5th and ♭7th of the major scale. Here are the 12 seventh sharp five chords.

  • C seventh sharp five – C E G♯ B♭
  • C♯ seventh sharp five – C♯ E♯(F) G##(A) B
  • D seventh sharp five – D F♯ A♯ C
  • E♭ seventh sharp five – E♭ G B D♭
  • E seventh sharp five – E G♯ B#(C) D
  • F seventh sharp five – F A C♯ E♭
  • F♯ seventh sharp five – F♯ A♯ C##(D) E
  • G seventh sharp five – G B D♯ F
  • A♭ seventh sharp five – A♭ C E G♭
  • A seventh sharp five – A C♯ E#(F) G
  • B♭ seventh sharp five – B♭ D F♯ A♭
  • B seventh sharp five – B D♯ F##(G) A

Seventh Flat Fifth Piano Chords – (7th ♭5th chords, Dominant Seventh Flat Five Chord)

We now move on to seventh flat fifth chords. To form a 7th ♭5th chord, you use the root, 3rd, ♭5th and ♭7th degrees of the major scale. These chords are represented by the symbols 7-5 or 7♭5. For instance G seventh flat fifth is written G7-5 or G7♭5. Here are the 12 seventh flat fifth chords.

  • C seventh flat five – C E G♭ B♭
  • C♯ seventh flat five – C♯ E♯(F) G B
  • D seventh flat five – D F♯ A♭ C
  • E♭ seventh flat five – E♭ G B♭♭(A) D♭
  • E seventh flat five – E G♯ B♭ D
  • F seventh flat five – F A C♭(B) E♭
  • F♯ seventh flat five – F♯ A♯ C E
  • G seventh flat five – G B D♭ F
  • A♭ seventh flat five – A♭ C E♭♭(D) G♭
  • A seventh flat five – A C♯ E♭ G
  • B♭ seventh flat five – B♭ D F♭(E) A♭
  • B seventh flat five – B D♯ F A

Major 7th Flat Third Piano Chords – Minor Major Seventh Chords

Next in this free piano chords lessons we take a look at the major 7th ♭3rd chord. It is also called a minor major seventh chord. This type of chord is formed by combining four notes, the root, ♭3rd, 5th and maj. 7th of the major scale. The symbols used for a major 7th flat third chord is Ma 7-3. For example C major 7th flat 3rd is written CMa 7-3. Since this chord is also called a minor major seventh chord it is also written as mM7, mΔ7, -Δ7, mM7, m/M7, m(M7), minmaj7, etc. Here are the 12 major 7th flat 3rd chords (minor major seventh chords).

  • C major seventh flat third – C E♭ G B
  • C♯ major seventh flat third – C♯ E G♯ B♯(C)
  • D major seventh flat third – D F A C♯
  • E♭ major seventh flat third – E♭ G♭ B♭ D
  • E major seventh flat third – E G B D♯
  • F major seventh flat third – F A♭ C E
  • F♯ major seventh flat third – F♯ A C♯ E♯(F)
  • G major seventh flat third – G B♭ D F♯
  • A♭ major seventh flat third – A♭ C♭(B) E♭ G
  • A major seventh flat third – A C E G♯
  • B♭ major seventh flat third – B♭ D♭ F A
  • B major seventh flat third – B D F♯ A♯

Minor Seventh Flat Fifth Piano Chords

This chord is formed by combining the root, ♭3rd, ♭5th and ♭7th of the major scale. It is written with the symbols mi 7-5, -7♭5 or m7(♭5). For example C minor seventh flat five is written C mi 7-5, C -7♭5 or C m7(♭5).

Here are the twelve minor 7th flat 5th chords.

  • C minor seventh flat five – C E♭ G♭ B♭
  • C♯ minor seventh flat five – C♯ E G B
  • D minor seventh flat five – D F A♭ C
  • E♭ minor seventh flat five – E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A) D♭
  • E minor seventh flat five – E G B♭ D
  • F minor seventh flat five – F A♭ C♭(B) E♭
  • F♯ minor seventh flat five – F♯ A C E
  • G minor seventh flat five – G B♭ D♭ F
  • A♭ minor seventh flat five – A♭ C♭ E♭♭(D) G♭
  • A minor seventh flat five – A C E♭ G
  • B♭ minor seventh flat five – B♭ D♭ F♭(E) A♭
  • B minor seventh flat five – B D F A

Dominant Seventh Suspended Fourth Piano Chords

Next in this free piano chords lesson we learn how to build a seventh suspended fourth chord. A 7th suspended 4th chord is formed by combining four notes, the root, 4th, 5th and ♭7th of the major scale. It is written as 7 sus 4. For instance an F 7th suspended 4th chord is written F7sus4. Let’s learn how to build all twelve 7th suspended 4th chords.

  • C seventh suspended fourth – C F G B♭
  • C♯ seventh suspended fourth – C♯ F♯ G♯ B
  • D seventh suspended fourth – D G A C
  • E♭ seventh suspended fourth – E♭ A♭ B♭ D♭
  • E seventh suspended fourth – E A B D
  • F seventh suspended fourth – F B♭ C E♭
  • F♯ seventh suspended fourth – F♯ B C♯ E
  • G seventh suspended fourth – G C D F
  • A♭ seventh suspended fourth – A♭ D♭ E♭ G♭
  • A seventh suspended fourth – A D E G
  • B♭ seventh suspended fourth – B♭ E♭ F A♭
  • B seventh suspended fourth – B E F♯ A

To arrive at scale degrees above 1 octave (i.e. 9th, 11th, and 13th) continue your scale up 2 octaves and keep numbering. The 2nd scale degree will be the 9th tone as you start your second octave.

We shall now learn how to form different kinds of ninth chords. Learn how to form ninth, minor ninth, major ninth, ninth augmented 5th, ninth flatted 5th, seventh ♭9, augmented 9th and 9/6 piano chords.

Let’s start with ninth chords.

Ninth Piano Chords

A ninth chord is formed by combining the root, 3rd, 5th, ♭7th and 9th of the major scale. The symbol used is the number 9. For instance the chord C ninth is written C9. Let’s learn how to build ninth chords in all 12 keys.

  • C ninth – C E G B♭ D
  • C♯ ninth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D♯
  • D ninth – D F♯ A C E
  • E♭ ninth – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F
  • E ninth – E G♯ B D F♯
  • F ninth – F A C E♭ G
  • F♯ ninth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G♯
  • G ninth – G B D F A
  • A♭ ninth – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭
  • A ninth – A C♯ E G B
  • B♭ ninth – B♭ D F A♭ C
  • B ninth – B D♯ F♯ A C♯

Minor Ninth Piano Chords

A minor ninth chord is formed by combining the root, ♭3rd, 5th, ♭7th and 9th of the major scale. The symbol used is mi 9 or -9. For instance the chord C minor ninth is written Cm9 or c-9. Let’s learn how to build minor ninth chords in all 12 keys.

  • C minor ninth – C E♭ G B♭ D
  • C♯ minor ninth – C♯ E G♯ B D♯
  • D minor ninth – D F A C E
  • E♭ minor ninth – E♭ G♭ B♭ D♭ F
  • E minor ninth – E G B D F♯
  • F minor ninth – F A♭ C E♭ G
  • F♯ minor ninth – F♯ A C♯ E G♯
  • G minor ninth – G B♭ D F A
  • A♭ minor ninth – A♭ C♭(B) E♭ G♭ B♭
  • A minor ninth – A C E G B
  • B♭ minor ninth – B♭ D♭ F A♭ C
  • B minor ninth – B D F♯ A C♯

Major Ninth Piano Chords

How is a major ninth chord formed? It’s formed by combining the root, 3rd, 5th, maj. 7th and 9th of the major scale. How is it written? Ma9. For instance an E major ninth chord is written EMa9. Learn how to build a major ninth chord below.

  • C major ninth – C E G B D
  • C♯ major ninth – C♯ E♯ G♯ B# D♯
  • D major ninth – D F♯ A C♯ E
  • E♭ major ninth – E♭ G B♭ D F
  • E major ninth – E G♯ B D♯ F♯
  • F major ninth – F A C E G
  • F♯ major ninth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E♯ G♯
  • G major ninth – G B D F♯ A
  • A♭ major ninth – A♭ C E♭ G B♭
  • A major ninth – A C♯ E G# B
  • B♭ major ninth – B♭ D F A C
  • B major ninth – B D♯ F♯ A♯ C♯

Ninth Augmented Fifth Chord

Let’s learn how to form a ninth augmented fifth chord. To form a 9th augmented 5th chord you combine the root, 3rd, ♯5th, ♭7th, and 9th of the major scale. Its symbol is 9♯5. For example the chord C ninth augmented fifth is written C9♯5. Let’s learn how to form 9th augmented 5th chords.

  • C ninth augmented fifth – C E G♯ B♭ D
  • C♯ ninth augmented fifth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯♯(A) B D♯
  • D ninth augmented fifth – D F♯ A♯ C E
  • E♭ ninth augmented fifth – E♭ G B D♭ F
  • E ninth augmented fifth – E G♯ B♯(C) D F♯
  • F ninth augmented fifth – F A C♯ E♭ G
  • F♯ ninth augmented fifth – F♯ A♯ C♯♯(D) E G♯
  • G ninth augmented fifth – G B D♯ F A
  • A♭ ninth augmented fifth – A♭ C E G♭ B♭
  • A ninth augmented fifth – A C♯ E♯(F) G B
  • B♭ ninth augmented fifth – B♭ D F♯ A♭ C
  • B ninth augmented fifth – B D♯ F♯♯(G) A C♯

Ninth Flatted Fifth Chord

Let’s learn how to form a ninth flatted fifth chord. To form a 9th flatted 5th chord you combine the root, 3rd, ♭5th, ♭7th, and 9th of the major scale. Its symbol is 9♭5. For example the chord C ninth flatted fifth is written C9♭5 or C9-5. Let’s learn how to form 9th flatted 5th chords.

  • C ninth flatted fifth – C E G♭ B♭ D
  • C♯ ninth flatted fifth – C♯ E♯(F) G B D♯
  • D ninth flatted fifth – D F♯ A♭ C E
  • E♭ ninth flatted fifth – E♭ G B♭♭(A) D♭ F
  • E ninth flatted fifth – E G♯ B♭ D F♯
  • F ninth flatted fifth – F A C♭(B) E♭ G
  • F♯ ninth flatted fifth – F♯ A♯ C E G♯
  • G ninth flatted fifth – G B D♭ F A
  • A♭ ninth flatted fifth – A♭ C E♭♭(D) G♭ B♭
  • A ninth flatted fifth – A C♯ E♭ G B
  • B♭ ninth flatted fifth – B♭ D F♭(E) A♭ C
  • B ninth flatted fifth – B D♯ F A C♯

Seventh Flat Ninth Piano Chords

Next in our free piano chords lesson we learn how to form a 7th ♭9 chord. A seventh flat nine chord is formed by combining the root, third, fifth, flat seventh, and flat ninth of the major scale. It is written 7-9 or 7♭9. For example C seventh flat ninth is written C7-9 or C7♭9. Let’s learn how to build seventh flat nine chords in all 12 keys.

  • C seventh flat ninth – C E G B♭ D♭
  • C♯ seventh flat ninth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D
  • D seventh flat ninth – D F♯ A C E♭
  • E♭ seventh flat ninth – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F♭
  • E seventh flat ninth – E G♯ B D F
  • F seventh flat ninth – F A C E♭ G♭
  • F♯ seventh flat ninth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G
  • G seventh flat ninth – G B D F A♭
  • A♭ seventh flat ninth – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭♭
  • A seventh flat ninth – A C♯ E G B♭
  • B♭ seventh flat ninth – B♭ D F A♭ C♭
  • B seventh flat ninth – B D♯ F♯ A C

Augmented Ninth Piano Chords

Let’s learn how to build an augmented ninth chord. To form an augmented 9th chord you use the root, 3rd, 5th, ♭7th and ♯9th of the major scale. This chord is written as 9+ or 7+9. For instance, C augmented ninth is written C9+or C7+9. Here are all augmented ninth chords and the notes which form them.

  • C seventh sharp ninth – C E G B♭ D♯
  • C♯ seventh sharp ninth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D##(E)
  • D seventh sharp ninth – D F♯ A C E#(F)
  • E♭ seventh sharp ninth – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F♯
  • E seventh sharp ninth – E G♯ B D F##(G)
  • F seventh sharp ninth – F A C E♭ G♯
  • F♯ seventh sharp ninth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E A
  • G seventh sharp ninth – G B D F A♯
  • A♭ seventh sharp ninth – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B
  • A seventh sharp ninth – A C♯ E G B#(C)
  • B♭ seventh sharp ninth – B♭ D F A♭ C♯
  • B seventh sharp ninth – B D♯ F♯ A C##(D)

9/6 Piano Chords (6/9 Chords)

Next, in our free piano chords lesson we learn how to build a 9/6 chord or a six add nine chord. A 9/6 chord is formed by combining 5 notes, the root, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th notes of the major scale. How is it written? 6add9 or 6add9. C sixth add nine is written C6add9 or C6add9.

  • C6 add 9 – C E G A D
  • C♯6 add 9 – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ A♯ D♯
  • D6 add 9 – D F♯ A B E
  • E♭6 add 9 – E♭ G B♭ C F
  • E6 add 9 – E G♯ B C♯ F♯
  • F6 add 9 – F A C D G
  • F♯6 add 9 – F♯ A♯ C♯ D♯ G♯
  • G6 add 9 – G B D E A
  • A♭6 add 9 – A♭ C E♭ F B♭
  • A6 add 9 – A C♯ E F♯ B
  • B♭6 add 9 – B♭ D F G C
  • B6 add 9 – B D♯ F♯ G♯ C♯

We now take a look at eleventh and thirteenth chords. We shall learn how to build eleventh, augmented eleventh, thirteenth, thirteenth ♭9, and thirteenth ♭9♭5 chords. Lastly we learn how to build a half diminished chord.

Eleventh Chords

How do you form an eleventh chord? You combine the root, 3rd, 5th, flat 7th, 9th and 11th of the major scale. How is an 11th chord written? The symbol is the number 11. For example C eleventh is written C11. Here are all twelve eleventh chords.

  • C eleventh – C E G B♭ D F
  • C♯ eleventh – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D♯ F♯
  • D eleventh – D F♯ A C E G
  • E♭ eleventh – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F A♭
  • E eleventh – E G♯ B D F♯ A
  • F eleventh – F A C E♭ G B♭
  • F♯ eleventh – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G♯ B
  • G eleventh – G B D F A C
  • A♭ eleventh – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭ D♭
  • A eleventh – A C♯ E G B D
  • B♭ eleventh – B♭ D F A♭ C E♭
  • B eleventh – B D♯ F♯ A C♯ E

Augmented Eleventh Piano Chords

Next in our free piano chords lesson, we learn how to build an augmented eleventh chord. An augmented eleventh chord consists of the root, 3rd, 5th, flat 7th, 9th and sharp 11th of the major scale. It is written like this: 11+ or 7 aug 11. For instance C augmented eleventh is written C11+ or C 7 aug 11. Let’s learn how to form augmented 11th chords in all keys.

  • C augmented eleventh – C E G B♭ D F♯
  • C♯ augmented eleventh – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D♯ F##(G)
  • D augmented eleventh – D F♯ A C E G♯
  • E♭ augmented eleventh – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F A
  • E augmented eleventh – E G♯ B D F♯ A♯
  • F augmented eleventh – F A C E♭ G B
  • F♯ augmented eleventh – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G♯ B#(C)
  • G augmented eleventh – G B D F A C♯
  • A♭ augmented eleventh – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭ D
  • A augmented eleventh – A C♯ E G B D♯
  • B♭ augmented eleventh – B♭ D F A♭ C E
  • B augmented eleventh – B D♯ F♯ A C♯ E#(F)

Thirteenth Piano Chords

How do you build a thirteenth chord? To build a thirteenth chord you use the root, 3rd, 5th, flat 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th of the major scale. The symbol for a thirteenth chord is 13. For instance a G thirteenth chord is written G13. Here are the notes which form thirteenth chords, in all keys.

  • C thirteenth – C E G B♭ D F A
  • C♯ thirteenth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D♯ F♯ A♯
  • D thirteenth – D F♯ A C E G B
  • E♭ thirteenth – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F A♭ C
  • E thirteenth – E G♯ B D F♯ A C♯
  • F thirteenth – F A C E♭ G B♭ D
  • F♯ thirteenth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G♯ B D♯
  • G thirteenth – G B D F A C E
  • A♭ thirteenth – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭ D♭ F
  • A thirteenth – A C♯ E G B D F♯
  • B♭ thirteenth – B♭ D F A♭ C E♭ G
  • B thirteenth – B D♯ F♯ A C♯ E G♯

Thirteenth Flat Ninth Piano Chords

Let’s learn how to build a thirteenth flat ninth piano chord. To form a 13th flat nine chord you use the root, 3rd, 5th, flat 7th, flat 9th, 11th and 13th of the major scale. This chord is written as 13♭9. For instance, F thirteen flat nine is written F13♭9. Here are all thirteenth flat ninth chords and the notes which form them.

  • C thirteenth flat ninth – C E G B♭ D♭ F A
  • C♯ thirteenth flat ninth – C♯ E♯(F) G♯ B D F♯ A♯
  • D thirteenth flat ninth – D F♯ A C E♭ G B
  • E♭ thirteenth flat ninth – E♭ G B♭ D♭ F♭(E) A♭ C
  • E thirteenth flat ninth – E G♯ B D F A C♯
  • F thirteenth flat ninth – F A C E♭ G♭ B♭ D
  • F♯ thirteenth flat ninth – F♯ A♯ C♯ E G B D♯
  • G thirteenth flat ninth – G B D F A♭ C E
  • A♭ thirteenth flat ninth – A♭ C E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A) D♭ F
  • A thirteenth flat ninth – A C♯ E G B♭ D F♯
  • B♭ thirteenth flat ninth – B♭ D F A♭ C♭(B) E♭ G
  • B thirteenth flat ninth – B D♯ F♯ A C E G♯

Thirteenth Flat Ninth Flat Fifth Piano Chords

Next, in our free piano chords lesson we learn how to build a thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth chord. To form a 13th flat nine flat five chord you use the root, 3rd, flat 5th, flat 7th, flat 9th, 11th and 13th of the major scale. This chord is written as 13♭9. For instance, F thirteen flat nine flat five is written F13♭9 ♭5. Here are all thirteenth flat nine flat five chords and the notes which form them.

  • C thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – C E G♭ B♭ D♭ F A
  • C♯ thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – C♯ E♯(F) G B D F♯ A♯
  • D thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – D F♯ A♭ C E♭ G B
  • E♭ thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – E♭ G B♭♭(A) D♭ F♭(E) A♭ C
  • E thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – E G♯ B♭ D F A C♯
  • F thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – F A C♭(B) E♭ G♭ B♭ D
  • F♯ thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – F♯ A♯ C E G B D♯
  • G thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – G B D♭ F A♭ C E
  • A♭ thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – A♭ C E♭♭(D) G♭ B♭♭(A) D♭ F
  • A thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – A C♯ E♭ G B♭ D F♯
  • B♭ thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – B♭ D F♭(E) A♭ C♭(B) E♭ G
  • B thirteenth flat ninth flat fifth – B D♯ F A C E G♯

Half Diminished Piano Chords

Let’s learn how to build a half diminished piano chord. This chord is formed by combining the root, ♭3rd, ♭5th and ♭7th of the major scale. It is the same as a minor seventh flat five chord. It is written with the symbol ø. For example C half diminished is written Cø. It can also be represented as mi 7-5or -7♭5.

  • C half diminished – C E♭ G♭ B♭
  • C♯ half diminished – C♯ E G B
  • D half diminished – D F A♭ C
  • E♭ half diminished – E♭ G♭ B♭♭(A) D♭
  • E half diminished – E G B♭ D
  • F half diminished – F A♭ C♭(B) E♭
  • F♯ half diminished – F♯ A C E
  • G half diminished – G B♭ D♭ F
  • A♭ half diminished – A♭ C♭ E♭♭(D) G♭
  • A half diminished – A C E♭ G
  • B♭ half diminished – B♭ D♭ F♭(E) A♭
  • B half diminished – B D F A

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