Ayatul Kursi Sheikh Mishary Mp3 Download 7,5/10 1826 votes
1Al-Fatiha (The Opening)mp3
2Al-Baqara (The Heifer, The Calf)mp3
3Al-i-Imran (The Family of Imran)mp3
4An-Nisa (The Women)mp3
5Al-Ma'ida (The Table Spread, The Table)mp3
6An-An'am (The Cattle)mp3
7Al-A'raf (The Heights)mp3
8Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)mp3
9At-Tawba (The Repentance)mp3
10Yunus (Jonah)mp3
11Hud (Hud)mp3
12Yusuf (Joseph)mp3
13Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder)mp3
14Ibrahim (Abraham)mp3
15Al-Hijr (The Stoneland)mp3
16An-Nahl (The Honey Bee)mp3
17Al-Isra (The Night Journey)mp3
18Al-Kahf (The Cave)mp3
19Maryam (Mary)mp3
20Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha)mp3
21Al-Anbiya (The Prophet)mp3
22Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj)mp3
23Al-Muminun (The Believers)mp3
24An-Noor (The Light)mp3
25Al-Furqan (The Criterion)mp3
26Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets)mp3
27An-Naml (The Ants)mp3
28Al-Qasas (The Narrations, The Stories)mp3
29Al-Ankabut (The Spider)mp3
30Ar-Rum (The Romans, The Byzantines)mp3
31Luqman (Luqman)mp3
32As-Sajda (The Prostration)mp3
33Al-Ahzab (The Clans, The Combined Forces)mp3
34Saba (Sheba)mp3
35Fatir (The Originator)mp3
36Ya-Seen (Ya-Seen)mp3
37As-Saaffat (Those Who Set The Ranks)mp3
38Sad (The Letter Sad)mp3
39Az-Zumar (The Crowds, The Troops)mp3
40Ghafir (The Forgiver)mp3
41Fussilat (Expounded)mp3
42Ash-Shura (The Consultation)mp3
43Az-Zukhruf (The Ornaments Of Gold)mp3
44Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)mp3
45Al-Jathiya (The Kneeling Down ,Crouching)mp3
46Al-Ahqaf (Winding Sand-tracts)mp3
47Muhammad (Muhammad)mp3
48Al-Fath (The Victory, Conquest)mp3
49Al-Hujurat (The Private Apartments)mp3
50Qaf (The Letter Qaf)mp3
51Adh-Dhariyat (The Wind That Scatter)mp3
52At-Tur (The Mount)mp3
53An-Najm (The Star)mp3
54Al-Qamar (The Moon)mp3
55Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious)mp3
56Al-Waqia (The Inevitable)mp3
57Al-Hadid (The Iron)mp3
58Al-Mujadila (The Pleading Woman)mp3
59Al-Hashr (The Gathering, Exile)mp3
60Al-Mumtahina (The Examined One)mp3
61As-Saff (The Ranks, The Battle Array)mp3
62Al-Jumuah (The Congregation, Friday)mp3
63Al-Munafiqoon (The Hypocrites)mp3
64At-Taghabun (The Mutual Loss and Gain)mp3
65At-Talaq (Divorce)mp3
66At-Tahrim (The Prohibition)mp3
67Al-Mulk (The Dominion, Sovereignty, Control)mp3
68Al-Qalam (The Pen)mp3
69Al-Haaqqaa (The Sure Reality)mp3
70Al-Maarij (The Ways of Ascent)mp3
71Nooh (Noah)mp3
72Al-Jinn (The Spirits, The Jinn ,The Demons)mp3
73Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One)mp3
74Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One)mp3
75Al-Qiyama (The Day of Ressurection)mp3
76Al-Insan (Man, Human)mp3
77Al-Mursalat (Winds Sent Forth)mp3
78An-Naba (The Great News)mp3
79An-Naziat (Soul-snatchers)mp3
80Abasa (He Frowned)mp3
81At-Takwir (The Folding Up, The Overthrowing)mp3
82Al-Infitar (The Cleaving Asunder, Bursting Apart)mp3
83Al-Mutaffifin (The Dealers in Fraud)mp3
84Al-Inshiqaq (The Rending Asunder, The Sundering)mp3
85Al-Burooj (The Mansions Of The Stars, Constellations)mp3
86At-Tariq (The Night-Visitant, The Nightcomer)mp3
87Al-Ala (Glory To Your Lord In The Highest)mp3
88Al-Ghashiya (The Overwhelming Event)mp3
89Al-Fajr (The Break of Day, The Dawn)mp3
90Al-Balad (The City, This Countryside)mp3
91Ash-Shams (The Sun)mp3
92Al-Lail (The Night)mp3
93Ad-Dhuha (The Glorious Morning Light)mp3
94Al-Inshirah (Solace, Comfort)mp3
95At-Tin (The Fig Tree)mp3
96Al-Alaq (The Clinging Clot)mp3
97Al-Qadr (The Night Power)mp3
98Al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof, Evidence)mp3
99Al-Zalzala (The Earthquake)mp3
100Al-Adiyat (The Chargers)mp3
101Al-Qaria (The Striking Hour)mp3
102At-Takathur (Competition)mp3
103Al-Asr (The Time, The Declining Day)mp3
104Al-Humaza (The Scandalmonger)mp3
105Al-Fil (The Elephant)mp3
106Quraysh (Quraish)mp3
107Al-Ma'un (The Neighbourly Assistance)mp3
108Al-Kawthar (Abundance, Plenty)mp3
109Al-Kafirun (Those Who Reject Faith, The Disbelievers)mp3
110An-Nasr (The Help, Succour, Divine Support)mp3
111Al-Masadd (The Plaited Rope, The Palm Fibre)mp3
112Al-Ikhlas (Purity of Faith, The Fidelity)mp3
113Al-Falaq (The Daybreak, Dawn)mp3
114Al-Nas (Mankind)mp3

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There are plenty of places from where you can download Mp3s of Quran recitation, and I do encourage you to check out those places, a lot of brothers and sisters put in hard work to make them available to you, I am sure. Sony dvd architect crackeado.


The benefit, however, from downloading Qur'an from Islam Factory is that the files are mostly ID3 tagged correctly, with the Latin alphabet, which ensures compatibility across a range of devices, whether it be your iPod, Zune, or the mp3 enabled stereo system in your car. The files will be sorted without you having to do any legwork, insha'Allah.

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