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MRI Sequence

  • MP-RAGE simulator

DICOM anonymize

  • DICOM Cleaner: free web-based DICOM patient info remover with lots of customized options.

DICOM viewer

  • Horos: free DICOM viewer similar to OsirisX (macOS)

Convert image format

  • MRI Convert: converting DICOM on Bruker ClinScan/Siemens Trio to Analyze (*.img) or Nifti (*.nii) format.
  • Bru2Nii: convert Bruker 2dseq to Nifti format.
  • dcm2nii: convert DICOM to Nifti.
  • fdf2img.m: converting Varian FDF format to Analyze.
  • readVarianInfo.m: read Varian data acquisition info from procpar file.
  • c3d_affine_tool: convert transformation matrix from FSL to ITK format used by ANTs (part of Convert3D)

Data Pre-Processing

  • Brain extraction:3D PCNN for rodent brain
  • RATS: rodent brain extraction by university of Iowa.
  • BEaST (Brain Extraction based on nonlocal Segmentation Technique)
  • PhsIO: toolbox for physiological artifact removal.
  • MRI Denoising: Very powerful package including various denoise methods for MRI (only for .nii (not .nii.gz) format). A DTI denoise tool is here.
  • SLOMOCO: slice-by-slice motion correction. Would be useful for multiband.
  • HD-BET: Machine-learning-based human brain extract.

fMRI Analysis

  • FACT: Functional MRI Analysis and Clustering Tools
    • Other extension tools for FSL, including real-time fMRI, network analysis, etc.
  • BrainVoyager: the best commercial package; support realtime feedback
  • NeuroLens (Mac OS X only)
  • Aedes: Matlab-based versatile GUI tool for fMRI, rsMRI, ASL, T1/T2 fitting, etc. Natively support Bruker 2dseq format.
  • Physiological Artifact Removal Tool

Image Analysis/Processing


  • MouseMorph: Mouse VBM tool developed by Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging in UCL.
  • CAT (Computational Anatomy Toolbox): VBM, DBM and surface-based morphometry toolbox for SPM developed by U of Jena.
  • CBS High Res Brain Processing Tools: MIPAV plugins for high-res 7T human data (by Max Plank Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)


    • SCORE for outlier removal (need to download an example data with outlier clean up).
  • ExploreASL: A pipeline used in several multi-site studies. Very detailed document online.
  • Vandpire ASL: More suitable for individual analysis.
  • Oxford ASL: Part of FSL Basil package, includes partial volume correction.


  • VINCI: designed for PET neuroimage with MRI-PET coregistration
  • Carimas: PET kinetic modeling & cardiac analysis developed by Turku PET Center, Finland
  • JIP Toolkit: Designed for rodent & monkey fMRI-PET analysis, including PET modeling with drug challenging.

Multi-purpose package

  • BioImage Suite: very comprehensive package for functional and dynamic image analysis
  • DPTools: fMRI, DTI, flow, permeability analysis & statistics package
  • ImageJ: general purpose tool with lots of plugins
  • MIPAV: general purpose loaded with lots of processing tools like registration
  • SPIN: process SWI, PWI, DCE, MRA
  • 3DMed & MITK: extend ITK for medical image segmentation, registration, visualization
  • VivoQuant: commercial package by INVICRO
  • OsiriX: DICOM viewer, 3D visualization, support PACS (but Mac only)
    • OsiriX plugins

Visualization and ROI analysis

  • AMIDE: the best tool for multi-dataset and multi-modality image display and ROI analysis
  • MRIcro: easy tool especially for DICOM and converting formats
  • 3D slicer: the best free 3D rendering and visualization tool
  • VolView: free version of a commerical 3D visualization software for medical imaging


Plugins for ImageJ, OsiriX

  • DCE-MRI analysis with T1w contrast: TOPPACT plugin (using simplified linear approximation of Kety model)
  • DSC-MRI analysis with T2w contrast: DSCoMAN
  • DCE-MRI: OsiriX plugin
  • UMMPerfusion: OsiriX plugin by University Medical Centre Mannheim

DCE MRI analysis toolboxes for Matlab, R, IDL

  • R Package for the Analysis of DCE-MRI (run under statistical package R); blog
  • DATforDCEMRI: Deconvolution Analysis Tool for DCE (also needs R)
  • COMKAT (COmpartment Model Kinetic Analysis Tool): a Matlab tool for PET kinetic analysis and potentially for DCE-MRI.
  • DCE@urLAB: DCE & Pharmacokinetic Analysis Tool for Preclinical Data
  • Perfusion Mismatch Analyzer (PMA): Brain DSC perfusion MRI and diffusion for stroke by ASIST-Japan.
  • Dynamika: free academic license
  • ImageJ plugins
    • MRI Processor (provide T1 and T2 fitting using Levenberg–Marquardt or Simplex algorithm)
    • MRI Analysis Calculator (T1, T2, perfusion, diffusion calculation)
    • MRI t2 Calculations (only simple 2 points T2 fit)
    • QuickVol II pluginMRI & fMRI analysis (including T1 mapping of IR data)
  • Varian data
    • T1 fit of FSE-IR-T1map
    • T1 fit of Look-Locker-T1map
    • T2 fit of MEMS-T2map
  • ClinScan data
    • T1 fit of multi-scan IR-SE
    • T2 fit of multi-echo SE

Cardiac Analysis


  • QSM (Matlab)
  • Regularized susceptibility mapping (Matlab)
  • Quantiphyse: tool for CEST, DCE-MRI and ASL by Oxford.

Network & connectivity analysis

MIBCA multimodality brain connectivity analysis toolbox and pipeline

Structural connectivity (DTI Analysis)

  • DTI Studio -- by Susumu Mori's lab at Johns Hopkins Univ.
  • DSI Studio -- Includes DTI, DSI, Q-ball reconstruction and fiber tracking; by Isaac Tseng's lab at National Taiwan Univ
  • ExploreDTI -- Include nice motion correction method.
  • Camino -- comprehensive tools by UCL but no integrated GUI package.
  • TrackVis -- cross-platform
  • MRTrix -- includes tract density imaging and tract-based analysis
  • TORTOISE -- DTI processing pipeline by NIH, including various tools for artifact correction
  • Large-scale Granger causality toolbox for voxel-wise analysis
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for fMRI (Matlab)
  • Onyx: Java-based SEM analysis with easy to use GUI
  • SmartPLS: path modeling using partial least squares (PLS) method
  • LISREL: Commercial SEM analysis software (Student version is free)
  • REST -- Resting-state fMRI analysis toolkit & pipeline
  • DPABI -- SPM-based integrated toolkit. Include template for Rat and Rhesus Macaque. Doesn't have extensive tool for data cleanup.
  • CONN -- artifact removal, correlation matrix, graph analysis
  • Network ROI for seed-based analysis -- by Mike Greicius's lab in Stanford
  • Functional parcellation -- by Thomas Yeo in NUS
  • DynamicBC -- dynamic functional connectivity and effective connectivity analysis
  • C-PAC -- Very comprehensive and highly configurable pipeline for the analysis of Connectomes
  • Spatiotemporal pattern analysis -- by U Sydney.
  • Brain connectivity toolbox -- network measure, visualization, etc.
  • BrainCAT -- combine DTI and rsMRI (Mac OSX only)
  • GRETNA -- graph theory analysis for rsMRI data.
  • Cytoscape -- general purpose network visualization tool.
  • BRAPH -- Brain Analysis using Graph Theory
Connectivity-based brain parcellation
  • pyClusterROI -- tools by Craddock for his paper on HBM 2011
  • SLIC whole brain parcellation toolbox -- include methods used in several papers

Statistical Mapping

  • Correct with False Discovery Rate

Machine Learning

  • U-Net: convolutional network for image segmentation and other processing.

Optical tomography

  • Molecular Optical Simulation Environment


  • Gannet: GABA 1H-MRS analysis and other useful tips, review.
  • TARQUIN: 1H-MRS analysis for in vivo & ex vivo data. Come with simulator of metabolites.
  • INSPECTOR: Matlab-based and quite user friendly. Supports Varian, Bruker, GE, Siemens, Philips format.
  • SIVIC: Cross-platform MRS and CSI tool. Supports DICOM and native formats of Varian, GE, Siemens and Philips.

MRI simulation, reconstruction

  • MRILab: simulate the signal formation, k-space acquisition and image reconstruction.
  • Fast Imaging Library: C library and Matlab toolbox for reconstruction of parallel imaging, UNFOLD, EPI ghost correction, etc.
  • Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox: iterative recon tool, NUFFT, spectral-spatial pulse design, etc, from Jeff Fessler's lab.
  • Lead-DBS: simulate, analysis and visualization toolbox for Deep Brain Stimulation
  • VirtualBrain: use structural connectivity to simulate the whole brain neural dynamics


  • CapAIBL (Computational Analysis of PET from AIBL): Automated brain surface projection of amyloid PET scan
  • COMKAT (compartment model kinetic analysis tool)


  • deploypcode: useful tool to create p-code together with help for Matlab codes

Repository of Medical Imaging Software

  • NITRC: source for neuroimaging tools and resources
  • NA-MIC: National Alliance for Medical Image Computing funded by NIH

Visualizing the brain. TheBrain software comes with a lot of advanced features that let users decide how to picture their brain hierarchy or how to put their thoughts out on screen and classify them accordingly. The first box a user creates in the software is called a parent thought. TheBrain's novel approach falls into the category of mind mapping software but offers a dynamic visualization. This enables an unlimited number of links and connections. Your Brain can be.

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