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Dalton gang following the 1892 Coffeyville, Kansas raid. Left to right: Bill Power; Bob Dalton; Grat Dalton, Dick BroadwellFoundedMarch 21, 1890Founding location,Years activeMarch 21, 1890 - October 5, 1892EthnicityMembership8ActivitiesBank and train robberiesThe Dalton Gang was a group of in the during 1890–1892. It was also known as The Dalton Brothers because three of its members were brothers. The gang specialized in. During an attempted bank robbery in in 1892, two of the brothers and two other gang members were killed; Emmett survived and was captured, tried, and convicted. He was paroled after serving 14 years in prison.The oldest brother had been a, but was killed in 1887. In 1890, and turned to crime after not being paid as lawmen.

Their middle brother never joined any heists with his brothers, but served as their spy and informant. After their death he would form his own gang with, known as the, or the Dalton-Doolin Gang. The gangs were first cousins through their mother to the Younger brothers, who rode with.

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The Daltons were active later than and independently of the, who were much older.Due to the popularity and sensationalism that surrounded the Daltons, they were accused of several different robberies all over the country. This led to the writing of a variety of myths about the gang. However, the last remaining of the brothers, Lit, released the truth of his brothers activities after the death of his brother Emmett. He accused Emmett's book, When the Dalton's Rode, of being largely fabrication, specifically how Emmett denied accompanying Bob to California. Emmett freely admitted on his death bed to, that he had robbed a train in California, and had used the alias William McElhanie, but asked Latta not to publish the information until after his death. Contents.Beginnings Their father was Lewis Dalton from.

He was a keeper in, when he married Adeline Younger. She became an aunt of. Frank DaltonOn Nov 27, 1887, and another deputy marshal, Jim Cole, went across the river from Fort Smith to arrest three whiskey bootleggers. As they approached the camp the bootleggers began to fire on them. Frank shot and killed two, but his gun jammed and he was killed by the remaining bootlegger. His deputy abandoned him after being wounded. Frank is buried in.After Frank's death, brothers Grat and Bob took over his job as Deputy U.S.

Bob soon hired Emmett under him to guard prisoners. The trouble started when Bob killed a man in the line of duty, which he claimed was in self defense. He become restless and began to drink heavily. Afterwards Bob was given the job of organizing a police force in the Osage Nation, and took Emmett along as a deputy. Grat, meanwhile, stayed at Fort Smith. Emmett and Bob kept good reputations in the Osage Nation until July 1890, when they began stealing horses. Eventually, stockmen organized a posse to capture them, and forced Bob and Emmett to flee.

They hid out on the bluffs of the about seventy miles southwest of, there they sent to Grat for help. Grat tried to send them food, horses, and ammunition but was caught and thrown in jail at Fort Smith, where he had formerly placed prisoners. After two weeks, Grat was released in the hopes he would lead the law to his brothers. Bob and Emmett, however, were able to take a train to California where they would begin to work at their brother Bill's ranch near.Discredited as lawmen, the Daltons would soon form their gang.Outlaws returned to California to meet Emmett and Bob at Bill's ranch in January 1891. They worked there for about a month while they played poker and got in bar fights at saloons throughout San Luis Obispo County. Here they spent most of the money they had made from horse stealing. Around this time began making plans to rob a train with the help of Emmett and Grat.

Their brothers Cole, Lit, and Bill unsuccessfully tried to dissuade them. Emmett was initially against the idea, but agreed to follow Bob.On the night of February 6, 1891, a passenger train was held up by two masked men who carried only 44-calibre revolvers, near the town of Alila (present day ). No money was successfully taken, but during the crossfire with the outlaws the fireman had accidentally been killed by the expressman. The outlaws had worn masks during the Alila robbery, concealing their identities. It was asserted many years later by Lit Dalton, however, that Bob and Emmett had told him many times that they robbed the train. Grat was unable to join the heist after spending all his money on drinking and gambling in, therefore unable to secure a horse. Sheriff Eugene Kay of and his posse tracked the outlaws to a ranch in San Luis Obispo County, near Cholame.

They decided to see if they could spend the night at the ranch and continue their search in the morning. The ranch was owned.

Early the next morning, as Sheriff Kay prepared to leave, he found the remnants of a saddle in a haystack near Bill’s barn. The saddle was missing a leather strap, the same strap that Kay had found at the scene of the hold up. Unknown to Kay, Bill had hid Bob and Emmett in his barn and they had barely escaped discovery.

Sheriff Kay then spent the day in Paso Robles and learned what he could about Bill. He discovered that Bill's brothers had a reputation as horse thieves in Oklahoma, and had spent the past few months working at Bill’s ranch. He then received a telegram from Tulare and learned that Bob, Emmett and Grat had spent the past few days heavily drinking, gambling and following the Southern Pacific pay car as it made its monthly journey down the.Sheriff Kay was met in Paso Robles by Southern Pacific Railway detective Will Smith and San Luis Obispo County Sheriff O’Neal, where he told them what he had learned. Unknown to Kay, Smith and O'Neal then made their own trip to Bill Dalton’s ranch later that same day, expecting to surprise and arrest Bill, Bob, and Emmett. Sheriff Kay had been preparing his own posse to arrest the Daltons at Bill’s ranch, but after learning that Smith and O’Neal had already left, decided it was useless and waited for Smith to return with the Daltons.

When Smith and O’Neal arrived at Bill’s, Bob and Emmett hid in a closet through a trapdoor that Bill had built in the attic. Bill invited the lawmen in but argued with Smith over his brother's guilt. He became angry with Smith but was calmed down by O’Neal and reluctantly allowed the lawmen to stay the night. They left the next morning empty handed and Kay was furious with Smith. Photo of Robert 'Bob' Dalton c.

1889On March 17, 1891, the Tulare County Grand Jury indicted brothers Bob, Emmett, Grat, and Bill Dalton for the Alila robbery. A few days later Grat and Bill were arrested and placed in the Tulare County jail. A $3000 bounty was placed for the capture of Bob and Emmett.

Bill however had already helped them escape California before he was arrested, and Bob and Emmett were on their way back to Oklahoma territory. Bill was soon able to secure bondsmen and was released. He quickly hired attorneys to defend Grat. While Grat sat in jail in, Bob and Emmett began making their way to Oklahoma. They borrowed money and supplies from their brothers, Cole and Lit, and made their way east across the Mojave Desert.

After their horses were discovered at, Sheriff Kay decided to pursue them with his deputy, Jim Ford. He discovered that the brothers had actually made their way to Utah to throw him off, and tracked them to the town of. After some close encounters, Bob and Emmett escaped capture by train. Sheriff Kay continued to track them throughout the Southwest for several months, even at one point entering, but with no success. Eventually they ended up at the Dalton home near. The Daltons had many friends in Oklahoma willing to hide them and Sheriff Kay was forced to give up the chase in order to return to California for Grat's trial. After they realized they were no longer being pursued, Bob and Emmett robbed a train at Whorton, now, in May 1891.

They then began to form what would be known as the Dalton Gang.Even though much of the evidence showed that Grat was in the night of the Alila robbery, including the testimony of several witnesses, the influence of the powerful led him to receive an unfair trial. The lawyer the Dalton's had hired for Grat was corrupt and it was not mentioned by the defense, nor the prosecution, that the fireman had been accidentally killed by the expressman.

This was unknown to Grat, since the Dalton brothers had all assumed that Emmett had killed the fireman. While Grat awaited his sentence, a train robbery occurred near on September 3, 1891, but was unsuccessful with no money being taken.

Sheriff Kay suspected, and arrested him, as well a man joining Bill named Riley Dean. Kay found Bill and Dean at an abandoned overland stage station where they looked as if they were either planning a robbery, or to break Grat from jail. Both Bill and Dean established a clear alibi, but Bill was held in Tulare County Jail to await trial for his part in the Alila robbery. Dalton Mountain, Fresno County, California, Christmas Eve 2019, as viewed from the Wonder Valley Ranch ResortOn the night of September 20th, Grat and two other men escaped from the Tulare County Jail in Visalia while Sheriff Kay was busy in. Grat and the other two men had been slipped a saw from someone on the outside and were able to saw a hole in the bars. Bill had remained in his cell, and was found in the morning playing a popular song on the guitar that he set his own words to and titled, 'You'll Never Miss My Brother Till He's Gone', and joked about how the boys had left him. Bill was acquitted and released on October 15th.

He then sold the lease to his ranch in San Luis Obispo County, moved his family to his wife's parents in, and left for. After arresting the two other men who had escaped with Grat, Sheriff Kay learned that Grat was assisted by Riley Dean, and that they were both hiding on the summit of a steep mountain close to the Kings River, near. This would later be known as Dalton Mountain. On Christmas Eve, 1891, the posses of both Sheriff Kay of Tulare County, and Sheriff Hensley of Fresno County, ascended the mountain to Daltons camp. They ambushed the outlaws on their way back from a boar hunt. Riley Dean was captured, but Grat managed to escape, firing at the lawmen with his, and stealing a horse from the nearby Elwood ranch. Grat then rode to a friends near, and stayed for several weeks before he escaped back to Oklahoma with the help of his brother Cole.Bob and Emmett had meanwhile been busy in Oklahoma forming their gang.

After their unsuccessful career in California they decided they could do much better in their home country and, unlike their first attempts, they began carefully planning their robberies. With Bob as the leader they recruited mostly men who had grown up with them in Oklahoma. First recruited were and, Bryant received his nickname because of a gunpowder burn on one cheek. This resulted in the first robbery at Whorton, May 1891, where the gang stole $1200.

Little People Christmas Activity Center

Joined afterwards were, Dick Broadwell, Bill Powers,. The gang was also assisted by Bob's lover Eugenia Moore, known by her aliases 'Tom King' and 'Miss Mundays', who acted as their informant but was also a notorious horse thief and outlaw.

Bill DaltonIn August 1891, Bryant was spotted in, after leaving the gangs hideout to visit his mother. The locals who identified him notified a Deputy Marshal named Ed Short. He arrested Bryant and took him on a train to be committed to the jail at, without a guard or notifying Marshal Grimes at Fort Smith. After the train left Hennessey and was approaching the stop at, Short noticed a group of mounted men that looked as if they were trying to beat the train, and feared it was the Dalton Gang coming to free Bryant. Short put the baggage man in charge of Bryant, giving him his revolver, while he went to the rear platform with his rifle. The baggageman carelessly stuck the revolver into a and went to work at the other end of the car.

Bryant secured the revolver and ordered the baggageman to go back to work. He opened the door to the rear platform and, while Short had his attention to the mounted men, shot him in the back. Short then turned and they both shot each other to death.The second train robbery by the Dalton Gang in Oklahoma was at a small station called Lelietta on September 15, 1891, about four miles north of. Here they secured $19,000, which Bob spent mostly on women and gambling. Many members of the gang, including Emmett, complained that the $3500 each was not enough to meet their needs.

Bill Doolin complained that Bob was not dividing the money fairly, and quit the gang, along with Newcomb and Pierce. Grat returned to Oklahoma in the spring of 1892. Some time later, the three dissatisfied members also returned and new plans began to formulate. Bill had returned to Oklahoma several months earlier, living at his mothers near Kingsfisher. Even though he did not participate in any of the hold ups with his brothers, he acted as their spy and advisor.On June 1, 1892, the gang robbed the Sante Fe train at, securing about $50,000. Here the Santa Fe had found out about the Daltons plans and attempted to set up a trap for the gang, filling the train with heavily armed officers.

However, they made the mistake of leaving the train dark which made Bob suspicious, and the gang allowed the train to go. They then robbed the next train a few minutes later. The $50,000 however came out to only $1800 after draft and securities had been thrown out. After splitting the money amongst themselves and paying off It was soon necessary to rob another train.The next robbery was on July 14th, at, near the border. At the station the gang took what they could find in the express and baggage rooms. They sat to wait for the next train on a bench on the platform, talking and smoking, with their across their knees.

When the train came in at 9:45 p.m., they backed a wagon up to the express car and unloaded all the contents. The eight armed guards on the train all happened to be at the back of the train when it pulled in. They fired at the bandits through the car windows and from behind the train. In the gun fight, 200 shots were fired. None of the Dalton gang was hit.

Goff and Youngblood were sitting on the porch of the drug store near the depot. Both men were hit several times by stray shots; Dr Goff was fatally wounded. Also wounded were captains Kinney and LaFlore, but they recovered. The gang secured about $18,000.

They were also accused of robbing a bank in on July 28, however this was based on little evidence as no one saw any members of the gang.Coffeyville bank robbery Coffeyville Bank RobberyCondon Bank Coffeyville, Kansas c. 1890 one of the two banks the Dalton Gang attempted to rob.DateOctober 5, 1892Location. ResultDalton Gang suppressedBelligerentsDalton GangCoffeyville citizenryCommanders and leadersCharles ConnellyStrength5 outlawsarmed citizenryCasualties and losses4 killed1 wounded and captured4 killed4-6 woundedBob Dalton had ambitions.

He would, he claimed, 'beat anything ever did—rob two banks at once, in broad daylight.' On October 5, 1892, the Dalton gang attempted this feat when they set out to rob the C.M. Condon & Company's Bank and the First National Bank on opposite sides of the street in.

Bob had planned the entire robbery. Emmett however was against the idea. He had gone to school at Robbins Corners near Coffeyville and knew several hundred people in town. He was afraid some of his friends would be hurt, but Bob assured him there wouldn't be any shooting and that it would all be over before anyone knew what happened. The plan was that Bob and Emmett were to rob the First National Bank while Grat, Broadwell, and Powers robbed the Condon Bank across the street. Emmett thought Grat would mess things up if he went alone with Powers and Broadwell, and thought they should trade places. This led to a heavy argument between Bob and Emmett and created bitterness between them on the way to the robbery.Bob had planned for the gang to tie their horses to a post behind the Condon Bank, where it was protected from the center of town by brick walls.

They had not been to the town for several years however and the hitching post had since been removed during street work. Bob would not allow Emmett to check out town beforehand in fear that he would be recognized, so this was not factored into their plan.

When they arrived Bob had to think quickly and decided instead to tie their horses in an alley across from the bank to the west, near the city jail, which offered them little protection. This is now known as Dalton Alley.On the morning of October 5, the gang emerged from the alley onto the plaza of Coffeyville. A storekeeper who was sweeping the sidewalk a few feet away noticed Bob, Emmett, and even Grat who was wearing a fake mustache, and ran inside his store.

In close order the five crossed Walnut Street from the alley to the Condon Bank, holding Winchester rifles close along their legs. Grat, Broadwell, and Powers entered the Condon Bank and Emmett and Bob hurried across Union Street to the First National Bank. There was street work being done at the time and one of the workers noticed the men dog trotting across the alley with rifles, and began to yell, 'The Daltons are robbing the bank!' Very soon half the businessmen around the plaza knew what was going on and the message quickly passed throughout the town.Grat entered the Condon Bank and pointed his Winchester at the cashier, ordering his hands up, while Powers and Broadwell took positions at the door. Grat went to the back office and ordered the manager into the front, he then handed the cashier a sack bag and ordered him to fill it with cash from the money drawer. Then, noticing the vault door was open, Grat ordered both of them into the vault where the safe with the gold was. When told to open the safe the manager lied, telling Grat it was a time lock and that it would not open for another ten minutes.

Grat believed him and decided he would wait until it opened. He then ordered the bags of silver on the vault floor into his bag, containing $1000 and weighing about two hundred pounds.Meanwhile, Emmett and Bob had entered the First National Bank, covered the officers and two customers, and ordered the cashier, Thomas Aryes, to open the safe where there was gold and cash.

They put the gold into the sack, forced Aryes in front of them as cover, and went out the front door. They had planned to meet up with Grat and cross the plaza to the alley where they could make their escape, but word of the robbery had spread through town. As they exited the door an agent opened fire with his revolver. Bob and Emmett returned fire and left Aryes on the sidewalk. They turned around, and went through the back door, carrying both rifles and sack bags while taking two other bank employees as cover.Grat heard the revolver shots from the Express agent.

He then decided the sack bag was too heavy to carry and ordered the silver taken out, then stashed what cash he could fit into his coat pockets. Two hardware stores in the town had meanwhile began passing out guns to the local citizens, who began firing through the windows at the Condon Bank. The three returned fire and held out, waiting for the time lock to open. Several citizens were wounded in the fighting.When Emmett and Bob went out the back door of the First National Bank, they were met by Lucius Baldwin who had been watching the door with his pistol. Bob ordered him to drop the gun and, when he failed to answer, shot him with his Winchester killing him. Bob and Emmett then made their way to the end of the back alley onto Eighth Street where they could hear the townspeople shooting at the Condon Bank. Outside of a drug store across from the First National, George Cubine was standing with his Winchester aimed at the front door of the bank, awaiting the exit of Bob and Emmett.

Bob shot him in the head. Cubine's partner, Charles Brown, was standing unarmed next to him and went to pick up his winchester. As he lifted the rifle up, Bob shot and killed him.After being left on the sidewalk by Bob and Emmett, Thomas Aryes had run into one of the hardware stores and grabbed a rifle. He spotted Bob just as he had killed Brown and aimed his rifle at him from behind the store window. Bob saw Aryes from about two hundred feet away and quickly shot him in the head. Aryes was not killed, but he would remain paralyzed for life.As bullets were showering into the Condon Bank, Powers told Grat he had been hit in the arm. Grat ordered the employees to lay on the floor in the back office and, after receiving the signal from Bob, told Powers and Broadwell that it was time to leave.

The three went out the side door crouching and dashing across Walnut Street to the alley where they had hitched their horses. Bob and Emmett met Grat and the others in the alley, the sacks of money still over their arms. Law enforcement officers hold up the bodies of Bob(23) and Grat(31) Dalton after the attempted Bank Robbery in Coffeyville, KansasAs the Daltons made their way east down the alley towards the horses town Marshal, Charles T. Connelly, came through the livery stable into the alley and ran west towards the plaza without noticing the bandits behind him. Grat then shot him in the head and killed him.

Following behind Marshal Connelly was John Kholer, still in the stable. Grat noticed him but before he could aim Kholer shot him in the throat.Taking fire from the hardware store Bob was hit in the head and the heart, killing him instantly. Powers tried to mount his horse but shots from the store also killed him.

Emmett was able to mount his horse unwounded and began riding away but, after noticing Bob was hit, turned around and attempted to lift Bob onto his horse. Emmett was then hit in the back with a load of buckshot. Broadwell was hit several times but managed to ride away. He was found two miles away dead. Emmett(21) at the office of Dr. Walter Wells after the attempted bank robbery in CoffeyvilleBill Dalton and Bill Doolin had been waiting several miles away with extra horses to aid the gangs escape.

After getting tired of waiting they left, only to learn later the fate of the gang.Grat and Bob Dalton, Dick Broadwell and Bill Powers were all killed. Received 23 gunshot wounds and survived (he was shot through the right arm, below the shoulder, through the left – right, in some accounts – hip and groin, and received 18-23 buckshot in his back). He was given a life sentence in the in, of which he served 14 years before being pardoned. He moved to and became a real estate agent, author and actor, and died in 1937 at age 66.

Bill Doolin, 'Bitter Creek' Newcomb, and Charlie Pierce, none of whom were at Coffeyville, were the only members left of the original Dalton Gang.Years after the robberies and his release from prison, Emmett Dalton said that the relentless pressure put on them by Deputy US Marshal as he hunted for them was a key factor in his gang's decision to commit the robberies. They hoped that a big haul from the banks would allow them to leave the territory and escape Thomas' heat.Bill Doolin started a new gang with the Dalton Gang's remaining members. Bill Dalton would eventually join and become one of the leaders. The gang then became known as the.

Dalton was reportedly one of the participants in a gun battle on September 1, 1893 at. Three deputy U. Marshals were killed in the shootout. He may have been one of a four-man gang who robbed the First National Bank of, on May 21, 1894. He was shot and killed by a posse near on June 8, 1894.

Nine of the deputy U.S. Marshals who killed Bill Dalton were indicted for his murder in the federal court at Ardmore in June 1896. Apparently, none were ever tried. Sky test preparation program: full version free software download 2017. Why they were indicted remains a mystery.

Gallery. Latta, Frank (1976). Dalton Gang Days:From California to Coffeeville. Bear State Books. Archived from on 11 November 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2017.

Latta, Frank (1976). Dalton Gang Days:From California to Coffeeville. Bear State Books. Pp. 1–44. Latta, Frank (1976).

Dalton Gang Days:From California to Coffeeville. Bear State Books. Pp. 25–50. Latta, Frank (1976). Dalton Gang Days:From California to Coffeeville.

Bear State Books. Pp. 50–209. Retrieved 1 March 2018. Retrieved 2019-05-16. Latta, Frank (1976).

Dalton Gang Days:From California to Coffeeville. Bear State Books. Retrieved 24 August 2018. Samuelson, Nancy B. 2012-11-19 at the Retrieved February 8, 2014. Retrieved 25 February 2017.

Graeme Thomson (May 21, 2014). Uncut.Further reading.

Retrieved 24 August 2018.External links. article by Robert Barr Smith. Presland, Kith M. Retrieved March 12, 2014. Samuelson, Nancy B. Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture - Oklahoma Historical Society. Archived from on November 19, 2012.

Retrieved March 12, 2014. Weiser-Alexander, Kathy. Legends of America - Old West Legends. Retrieved March 12, 2014.

Weiser-Alexander, Kathy. Legends of America - Old West Legends. Retrieved March 12, 2014. Weiser-Alexander, Kathy.

Legends of America - Old West Legends. Retrieved March 12, 2014. December 1957. Retrieved April 21, 2011.